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Samuel Huntington - 1st US President?

Samuel Huntington (Connecticut politician)

Many historical groups consider Samuel Huntington to be the actual first President of the United States.

In the late 1700’s, when the United States was still forming, representatives from each state met in “Continental Congresses”, or meetings to decide on the articles of the constitution of the new country they were forming. Each year they would elect a group leader, or moderator of the congress, who then held the title of President of the United States in Congress Assembled.

When the articles were ratified and took effect (when our constitution became “live”), Samuel Huntington happened to hold the position of President.

After Samuel Huntington led the congress, nine other people followed in the position before Washington took office. So, technically George Washington may not have been our first president - he might actually be the tenth.

Some groups, such as the Sons of the American Revolution actually DO consider Huntington to be the “official” first U.S. President and in 2015 Huntington was officially recognized as the First President of the United States in Congress Assembled - by The National Archives, The Smithsonian Institute, and The Library of Congress.

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